Sunday, August 21, 2016

Teacher Appreciation Ideas

Teacher's always want to be recognized for their hard work and a lot of appreciation goes a long way. The link below leads to 28 fun teacher appreciation ideas to be used at any school.  

Pun-tastic Teacher Appreciation

My personal favorites include:

Have you told a teacher how much you appreciate them today?

Screencast in the Classroom

I use screencasts in my classroom of second and third graders. I think educational videos are important because video's captivate students' attention. I primarily use screencasts for blended learning in my second and third grade combination class. Below is a video that includes an example of a vocabulary screencast I created for second graders.

Check out the informational blogpost on Screencasting from TechSmith BLOG. The entry was written by Ron Kotlick. Here are the top five ways Kotclick recommends screencasting in the classroom. For more information check out the TechSmith Blog.

1. “Live Screencasting”
“Live screencasting,” creating a live recording during a class activity, is one of the easiest ways for teachers to begin the adventure of using this tool to promote positive change in their classrooms.  The idea of presenting content material through a video that frees class time for more engaging activities and instruction is extremely appealing.

2. Online/Hybrid/Blended Learning
Screencasting can be used for any grade level instruction (K-12 & Higher Education) that involves any aspect of online delivery.  The growth of online instruction has been tremendous. “Personal” videos made by the instructor give the online student a direct connection with an individual that goes beyond posting on a discussion board or email thread.

3. Student Created Content
In any class setting, both online and traditional, students can easily create screencasts for assignments and course content.  Here the possibilities are endless.

4.  Professional Development
Professional development is crucial for the proper implementation of technology integration. Screencasting is a wonderful tool that can capture professional development sessions and make them available for online consumption.

5.  Screencasting & Grading
Educators are always striving to find better and more efficient ways to offer constructive feedback on student assignments. Students can literally watch a screencast of an assignment being graded with the teacher/professor giving audio and visual cues.

Monday, August 1, 2016

Thinking Maps

This summer my staff was trained in Thinking Maps. All members, from instructional aids, teachers and even the school secretary participated. Some of the information gathered from this post can be found on the Thinking Maps website. I have included a video of a teacher who uses Thinking Maps in their classroom.

What are Thinking Maps?
Thinking Maps are consistent visual patterns linked directly to eight specific thought processes. By 
visualizing thinking, students create concrete images of abstract thoughts. These patterns help 
students reach high levels of critical and creative thinking. In a school-wide implementation, 
Thinking Maps establish a consistent Language for Learning.

My favorite part of Thinking Maps is the fact that students create them. After the teacher training, the fifth grade teacher at our school decided to purchase sketch pads for his students. Students will use the sketch pad to create their own Thinking Maps. This creative outlet allows students to take ownership of their learning and enjoy sharing what they know. 

Below is a video of Thinking Maps in action. I really like this video because it shows how a teacher and students use Thinking Maps in the classroom.