Thursday, July 28, 2016


I am a huge fan of Malcolm Gladwell. His book Outliers changed how I view education. My great take away from the book is that individuals who achieve great things do so not by chance but because of advantages granted to them. Therefore if these same advantages were given to all, then all would succeed. I truly believe that all children can learn through repetitions and practice and this book solidifies that belief.

Have you ever heard the stereotype that Asians are better at math? Gladwell looks at that stereotype and breaks it down, so that instead of being a stereotype, he looks at is a fact and an advantage.

Rice Paddies and Math Tests 
“No one who can rise before dawn three hundred and sixty days a year fails to make his family rich.”
An excerpt from Chapter Eight.

Take a look at the following list of numbers: 4,8,5,3,9,7,6. Read them out loud to yourself. Now look away, and spend twenty seconds memorizing that sequence before saying them out loud again.
If you speak English, you have about a 50 percent chance of remembering that sequence perfectly If you’re Chinese, though, you’re almost certain to get it right every time. Why is that? Because as human beings we store digits in a memory loop that runs for about two seconds. We most easily memorize whatever we can say or read within that two second span. And Chinese speakers get that list of numbers—4,8,5,3,9,7,6—right every time because—unlike English speakers—their language allows them to fit all those seven numbers into two seconds.

That example comes from Stanislas Dehaene’s book “The Number Sense,” and as Dehaene explains:
Chinese number words are remarkably brief. Most of them can be uttered in less than one-quarter of a second (for instance, 4 is ‘si’ and 7 ‘qi’) Their English equivalents—”four,” “seven”—are longer: pronouncing them takes about one-third of a second. The memory gap between English and Chinese apparently is entirely due to this difference in length. In languages as diverse as Welsh, Arabic, Chinese, English and Hebrew, there is a reproducible correlation between the time required to pronounce numbers in a given language and the memory span of its speakers. In this domain, the prize for efficacy goes to the Cantonese dialect of Chinese, whose brevity grants residents of Hong Kong a rocketing memory span of about 10 digits.

It turns out that there is also a big difference in how number-naming systems in Western and Asian languages are constructed. In English, we say fourteen, sixteen, seventeen, eighteen and nineteen, so one would think that we would also say one-teen, two-teen, and three-teen. But we don’t. We make up a different form: eleven, twelve, thirteen, and fifteen. Similarly, we have forty, and sixty, which sound like what they are. But we also say fifty and thirty and twenty, which sort of sound what they are but not really. And, for that matter, for numbers above twenty, we put the “decade” first and the unit number second: twenty-one, twenty-two. For the teens, though, we do it the other way around. We put the decade second and the unit number first: fourteen, seventeen, eighteen. The number system in English is highly irregular. Not so in China, Japan and Korea. They have a logical counting system. Eleven is ten one. Twelve is ten two. Twenty-four is two ten four, and so on.

That difference means that Asian children learn to count much faster. Four year old Chinese children can count, on average, up to forty. American children, at that age, can only count to fifteen, and don’t reach forty until they’re five: by the age of five, in other words, American children are already a year behind their Asian counterparts in the most fundamental of math skills.

The regularity of their number systems also means that Asian children can perform basic functions—like addition—far more easily. Ask an English seven-year-old to add thirty-seven plus twenty two, in her head, and she has to convert the words to numbers (37 + 22). Only then can she do the math: 2 plus 7 is nine and 30 and 20 is 50, which makes 59. Ask an Asian child to add three-tens-seven and two tens-two, and then the necessary equation is right there, embedded in the sentence. No number translation is necessary: It’s five-tens nine.

“The Asian system is transparent,” says Karen Fuson, a Northwestern University psychologist, who has done much of the research on Asian-Western differences. “I think that it makes the whole attitude toward math different. Instead of being a rote learning thing, there’s a pattern I can figure out. There is an expectation that I can do this. There is an expectation that it’s sensible. For fractions, we say three fifths. The Chinese is literally, ‘out of five parts, take three.’ That’s telling you conceptually what a fraction is. It’s differentiating the denominator and the numerator.”

The much-storied disenchantment with mathematics among western children starts in the third and fourth grade, and Fuson argues that perhaps a part of that disenchantment is due to the fact that math doesn’t seem to make sense; its linguistic structure is clumsy; its basic rules seem arbitrary and complicated.

Asian children, by contrast, don’t face nearly that same sense of bafflement. They can hold more numbers in their head, and do calculations faster, and the way fractions are expressed in their language corresponds exactly to the way a fraction actually is—and maybe that makes them a little more likely to enjoy math, and maybe because they enjoy math a little more they try a little harder and take more math classes and are more willing to do their homework, and on and on, in a kind of virtuous circle.

When it comes to math, in other words, Asians have built-in advantage. . .

Sunday, July 17, 2016

An Interview with Sonia Aramburo

There is a lot that can be learned from others in your field. 

As a teacher I have grown the most when I visit other classrooms and observe other teachers. There practices are easier to implement once I have seen them in action, and there is more buy in because I am able to see their results. 

The same could be said for administrators. As a future administrator, I believe there is a lot I can learn from great administrators already in the field. I was given a great opportunity to interview a local administrator who has done great things for her school and the community. 

Mrs. Aramburo is a well-respected and effective principal in Monterey county. She successfully led a school out of program improvement. Mrs. Aramburo has single handedly transformed multiple school communities by bringing unique experiences like the Turnaround Arts initiative to her students.

I learned so much from this amazing administrator and would interview another principal without hesitation. Thank you so much Mrs. Aramburo for being an inspiration to me and others within the educational realm!

Below are some of the interview questions I asked Mrs. Aramburo and her responses:

How many years have you been a principal? Ten

How many years have you been at principal at this school? Six

How many years of experience did you have teaching before you became a principal? Seven

How many years of experience did you have as an assistant principal, counselor, or district coordinator? I had seven years of the counseling experience and four years as an assistant principal. 

In general, how much time do you have to make decisions? Most times there is not much time to make a decision. It depends on the decision. Sometimes you have more time but as a principal you have to make decisions quickly.

Do you have specific guiding principles? My guiding principles are I’m very collaborative with my staff and we always keep our students’ needs on the forefront.

If so, can you tell me more about these? Every child receives core content instruction, they are never pulled out during core content, and they receive universal access, the families are crucial to a child’s education, and at my school, reading is fundamental. Students needs to be able to read to access core content. 

What was the role of external influences on your decision making? Our leadership team plays a part. I believe in shared decision making although I do make the final decision. I have a great team that I work with, I take things before the team, we discuss it, and decide what we can do.

Tuesday, July 12, 2016

Force Field Analysis

On Monday the School Growth Team at my school held a meeting to discuss a Force Field Analysis. I thought the process was extremely valuable and wanted to share an overview of what a Force Field Analysis is and how it can be used in an elementary school setting. 

What Is a Force Field Analysis?

A Force Field Analysis is an effective technique used to analyze and drive change within a school. It was developed by psychologist Kurt Lewin, an innovator of the study of social organizational science. It is a tool that develops actions that help achieve a desired state.

What Is a Desired State?

A desired state is a goal. According to, when reorganizing a business or an investment portfolio, it is crucial to keep its desired state firmly in mind in order to maximize the overall efficiency of the restructuring process.”

How Is a Force Field Analysis Conducted?

For a Force Field Analysis to work, a desired state must first be established. Once the desired state has been created, factors that impact the desired state are identified through a brainstorm. These factors are known as driving and/or restraining forces. Driving forces are those factors that promote change, while resisting forces maintain the status quo and inhibit change. These forces are always in play and affect movement toward the desired state.

In order to move toward a desired state, driving forces must increase and restraining forces must decrease. According to Lewin, the most effective way to move toward a desired state is to remove restraining forces. The driving forces already in place within the organization will naturally move the organization toward the desired state once restraining forces have been reduced or eliminated.

Once the driving and restraining forces have been identified, evidence must be cited as proof of a problem. Next, the actions of the organization will be determined. These actions need to take into account driving and restraining forces. Actions that help remove restraining forces are a top priority for an organization because once they removed, driving forces can propel an organization toward a desired state. Data can be used to progress monitor the actions thus ensuring forces are eliminated and/or developed.  

How Do You Use a Force Field Analysis Tool?

  1. Describe desired state
  2. Identify forces for change on left column
  3. List forces against change on the right column.
  4. Assign score to each force from 1 (weak) to 5 (strong)
  5. Use evidence to verify forces
  6. Plan actions